About us

We are those who will guarantee you peace of mind, save your health, and last, but not least, save you a lot of money.

“ignis (Latin) = fire, flame”, “consultor (Latin) = advisor”
However, “con” can also mean “consummatum” (perfect) or “consultus (knowledgeable)”. And this is exactly what we strive for. Providing the best possible services, advice, and consultations with maximum qualification.

We provide our services throughout Europe but we also have customers on other continents. We can prepare all documentation in Czech, Slovak, or English languages without an extra fee. However, it is possible to deliver the outputs in any other language.

Igniscon is a trademark covering the consulting services and activities performed by igniscon s.r.o.

Thanks to many years of experience and dozens of prepared Explosion Protection Documents and a number of other opinions, consultations, and other related services, we have quite a clear idea what such services should look like and what needs to be avoided. We do not want our services to turn into a folder with dead printed papers. We want them to form a clear, up-to-date, and usable safety manual which will be useful for everyone concerned – from the top management, over safety and inspection technicians, electricians, mechanics, up to machine operators.
Then our work will make sense.

We highly appreciate working with designerswhom we provide with maximum collaboration in preparation of technical reports for projects, assistance with drawings preparation, 3D equipment models processing from 2D drawings, etc. We highly appreciate the long-term collaboration based on mutual trust – not only with the designers.