igniscon people

We are looking forward to meeting you in person. We are igniscon.

Jan Petrus
Owner, person with professional qualification in the field of fire protection, specialist in the field of explosion protection

jan-petrusI am the one who takes care of everything. I guarantee the professional quality of our services thanks to over ten years of my practical experience in this field. I am in charge of economy, contractual relations, and development of our services. I look for new ways to becoming even better in what we do and for doing the things that we do not do although we should.

Call me, write to me whenever you need an advice or want to ask about anything in our field.

Call me: 603 532 051

Write to info@igniscon.cz

Jan Frydrych
Specialist in Explosion Protection Documents preparation

jan-frydrychI understand chemistry, like to discover new operations and technologies, and enjoy meeting people from industry and design sectors. There are always new things to learn.

I am the one who will prepare the Explosion Protection Document for you, who will discuss your comments and notes and who will take care of you for the future.

Call me: +420 776 111 364

Write to jan.frydrych@igniscon.cz